Thanks Erin! Yeah, she is hot... and those shoes! I tell ya, if only some railroaders knew I had a weblog (or what the hec one is for that matter...) there might have been some drama in regards to that cantankerous engineer business!
Born June of '78 in Louisville. Lived in Michigan for a few years then back to Kentucky. I've got a wonderful wife, a mom and a dad, 2 older sisters, 2 brothers-in-law, a niece, 3 nephews, an extended family, a group of the best friends, a church community and a God whom I love very much. I work for the railroad.
Thanks Erin! Yeah, she is hot... and those shoes! I tell ya, if only some railroaders knew I had a weblog (or what the hec one is for that matter...) there might have been some drama in regards to that cantankerous engineer business!
7:16 PM
blog is a funny word!
12:29 PM
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